Miss Wigle’s Personal School Counselor Philosophy
Given the least restrictive supports, all students will be provided the equal opportunity to achieve success. Success is defined by the ability to possess functional autonomy in academic, career, and social/emotional domains. The school counselor will serve as a direct and indirect catalyst of student success by means of making connections between all system-wide influences that affect the student. These system forces include teachers, administration, student peers, parents, support staff, district organizations, and community.
Role of the School Counselor
My personal vision of the role of the school counselor in the school is represented by a professional who will make the commitment to:
- Develop student academic, career, and social/emotional goals based on specific districtwide student needs. Needs will be assessed by use of assessment tools and data driven progress monitoring measures. Results will serve as the basis for implementing a comprehensive school counseling model.
- Provide direct and indirect counseling services to positively impact student success including, but not limited to, individual counseling, group counseling, collaborative consultation, career guidance, and preventative education/programs in academic, career, and social/emotional domains.
- Maintain data of provided service and take time to reflect on progress, making adjustments as necessary to fulfill needs of all students.
- Serve as a responsible advocate for all students across systems.
- Attend professional development opportunities in order to stay current with the professional school counselor roles and responsibilities.
- Develop and follow a comprehensive school counseling program aligned with the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) standards.
Personal Professional Mission
To assist students in the awareness of, and reaching, their full potential by providing tools to initiate self-reflective insight of their academic, career, and social/emotional aptitude.